// Visibility of the password text. Can be true, false, 'toggle' 002 // or 'infer'. If 'toggle', it will be the opposite of whatever 003 // it currently is. If 'infer', it will be based on the input 004 // type (false if 'password', otherwise true). 005 show:'infer', 006 007 // Set to true to create an inner toggle for this input. Can 008 // also be sent to an event name to delay visibility of toggle 009 // until that event is triggered on the input element. 010 innerToggle:false, 011 012 // If false, the plugin will be disabled entirely. Set to 013 // the outcome of a test to insure input attributes can be 014 // set after input has been inserted into the DOM. 015 enable: canSetInputAttribute, 016 017 // Event to trigger whenever the element is toggled. 018 // For example, if 'focus' it will focus the cursor in the 019 // input element after toggling. 020 triggerOnToggle:false, 021 022 // Class to add to input element when the plugin is enabled. 023 className:'hideShowPassword-field', 024 025 // Event to trigger when the plugin is initialized and enabled. 026 initEvent:'hideShowPasswordInit', 027 028 // Event to trigger whenever the visibility changes. 029 changeEvent:'passwordVisibilityChange', 030 031 // Properties to add to the input element. 032 props: { 033 autocapitalize:'off', 034 autocomplete:'off', 035 autocorrect:'off', 036 spellcheck:'false' 037 }, 038 039 // Options specific to the inner toggle. 040 toggle: { 041 // The element to create. 042 element:'